Monday 23 July 2018

Prayer For Forgiveness Of Sins And Healing, Hurting Someone & Peace

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God want his Human being to forgive others for them to receive Forgiveness from him. Following that situation we share with you some of the Ideal Prayers for Forgiveness of others and How you can pray for Forgiveness.

1. Prayer For The Forgiveness Of Sins

Take a moment to bring to mind the ways that you may have failed God or others, such as in lying, temper, lust, jealousy etc. and then meditate on the words below:-

Lord, I'm in that place again
On my knees
Laying my life out before You
Thank you that on the cross you cried
"It is finished"
You have done it
Forgiveness is complete
I can live forever in Your grace
Forever in Your love

So I ask now for Your forgiveness
For the wrongs that I have done
And the things that I have neglected
I ask for Your forgiveness
For the people I have hurt along the way
And those who I have failed to love as You love
I ask for Your forgiveness

I receive Your forgiveness
And resolve in my heart
That with Your strength
I determine not to make these errors again
I receive Your forgiveness
And by the power of Your Holy Spirit
I walk away from everything I know to be wrong
And embrace everything I know about You
For the kingdom, the power and the glory
Are always and forever Yours, Amen.

2. Prayer For Forgiveness Of Others

Father, I need your help and your insights. Today I have gained a better understanding of forgiving others and with your help, I fully forgive from my heart. Although I have been sinned against, I know I myself have sinned against others. You have freely forgiven me, so I forgive them as well. Father, I ask you to forgive me for hurting others out of my own hurt and to heal my relationships with others. I pray all of this in Jesus' precious name and by whom all forgiveness and healing was made possible.

3. Prayer to Forgive Friends or Family

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” —Colossians 3:13

As human beings, we are prone to experience joys and pains. Unfortunately, it’s sometimes friends and loved ones who hurt us. Considering the nature of these relationships, some incidents can leave a deep wound, threatening to uproot friendships and harm family dynamics.

When this happens, it’s best to turn to God to ask for help in finding forgiveness for friends and family. After all, these relationships matter. The below prayer for forgiveness will help you rely on God to discover the healing and forgiveness you truly need.

Lord, please help me to remember the power of forgiveness, and please help me to extend this to [insert name(s)]. I know what it means to forgive, and I know all of the things You have forgiven me for, but the pain sometimes makes it difficult to forget — and, at moments, to forgive. This is especially difficult due to my love for this person [or these people]. Please help me to move past what was said and done by filling my heart with forgiveness for [insert name(s)]. Please help me to focus on the importance of our relationship, and give us all strength to get back to a stronger place. In the name of Your son Jesus, I pray, amen.

4. Prayer For Forgiveness For Children

Father, Just as Job continually offered burnt offerings to you for the forgiveness of his children, (Job 1:5) I am praying for the forgiveness of mine.  Lord, only You know what they have done.  If they have sinned against You I pray that You would forgive them.  I pray that they would seek repentance to make things right with You.  Lord, if there is any sin that needs to be forgiven, I pray that You would soften their hearts and bring them safely into Your arms of grace and mercy.  I thank you for Your unlimited love for us!  Amen

 Bible Verses About Forgiveness

Matthew 6:14-15 - For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Isaiah 1:18 - “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

Micah 7:18-19 - Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.

Strong Prayer For Protection, Guidance & Safety From Enemies & Demons

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1. Prayer for Personal Protection

Oh Heavenly Father, I come to You today, bowing my head and opening my heart, asking for protection from all the evil this world holds. Lord, we are assailed moment by moment with images on television, the internet, books and newspapers that leave us vulnerable to sin of every kind, every single day. Surround us with your divine hedge of unbreakable protection. Encompass us round about with your strength and your glorious might. Let all who take refuge in You be happy and feel safe. Please shelter us, Heavenly Father, that those who love your name may exalt in You. For it is You who blesses the righteous man and those who give their lives to You, Amen. (Psalm 5:11-12)

2. Prayer For Family Protection

Lord be besides us, all every day
Guiding and leading us gently always.
Lord be above us, help us to see
The hope of the future, of all we could be.
Lord be beneath us, carry us when
We’re too shattered or tired to really have strength.
Lord be ahead of us, smoothing our paths
Protecting and blessing the places we pass.
Lord be behind us, healing our wounds,
Forgiving our mistakes and making us new.
Jesus, be within us, this family is yours
Now and forever, you are our Lord, Amen.

3. Prayer For Children's Security

Lord, I pray that my kids (grandkids) will develop an eternal perspective and purpose, not an earthly one.  Help them to see life–and every challenge–through Your eyes, eager and unafraid to share with others the good news of Jesus wherever they go. I pray that they will set their minds on things above, not just what’s going on here, and that they will be rooted and grounded in Your love. I pray they will come to understand the extent of Your own love for them–that it surpasses all the head knowledge they will acquire in school. I pray they will be filled up with You from morning ’til night, Amen.

4. Short Prayer For Protection Against Evil & Demon

Living Lord,
I am yours.
I wear the helmet of salvation and hope.
I carry the shield of faith and your word.
I hold the sword of the spirit.
I buckle the belt of truth around my waist.
I put on the breastplate of righteousness
And I walk with the boots of readiness and peace. I am yours., Amen.

Prayer For Protection From Enemies

It’s true. You have an adversary who wants to attack your desires, your thoughts, even how you s4ee and treat your body. It’s imperative that you’re on guard against the devil’s schemes. If you’re in need of protection from the enemy, pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, You give us life. You hold all power in Your hands. In You are only good things. In You is healing of the nations. In You is freedom from worry and freedom from pain. Today, I ask that you forgive me of my faults, my sins, and anything else that may separate me from You. In Your Spirit, Your gift of healing is alive. In You Lord, I can place my trust. Protect me from the enemy, that I may choose life over death today. At this time of much needed healing and change, I pray that I be born again in You. Amen.

Bible Verses About Protection:

 “And Moses said to the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” Exodus 14:13-14

 “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.” Psalm 91:7

“We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Simple Short Powerful Good Night Prayer For Protection Of Yourself

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1. Good Night Prayer For Friends

Dear Father, I treasure my friend so much, I thank you for their presence in my life.
I ask you to watch over them, to lead them into hope and blessing.
I trust that you will protect and hold them when life is hard.
Lord, help me to be a good friend to them. Amen.

2. Good Night Prayer For Peaceful Sleep

Oh Heavenly Father, as I lay my head down to sleep, I ask for your comfort and strength. Ease my mind. Help me to let everything go, and leave it all in your hands. Give me peace that I may sleep without tossing and turning.

Encamp your angels around me, that no harm will come to me or my household. I cover each and every member of my household in the blood of Jesus. Amen

 Good Night Prayer for Blessings

Bless us with rest tonight, Jesus, and a good night’s sleep. Forgive us for the things we did today that did not honor you. Thank you for loving us so much and that you know us through and through. We need your help every day, and we thank you for the strength you give and for helping us know that with you, even hard things are possible. Bless our family and our home, and keep us safe through the night. May your angels guard us and watch over us, just like you promised.

You've told us we are just like sheep. And that you lead us and guard us like a shepherd. You know our names, and you make us feel special and loved. When we hurt, you help us feel better. Thank you, Jesus, for your good care and for giving us [mom/dad/parents/foster parents/pastors] to help. Thank you for the Bible, and for teaching us stuff in life that helps us grow. Bless the people in our world, and help them to know you love them, too. Thank you for all the people who help us so much: teachers, doctors, policeman, and fireman—and so many more.

Thank you for your good plan for our lives. Help us to obey you and love you more and more. When we awake in the morning, put a smile on our face and your purpose in our hearts, ready to start a new day. We love you, Jesus. Good night. In Jesus's precious name, Amen.

Good Night Prayer For Protection

Father, as we come to the end of another very busy day, we praise and thank You for the gift of sleep and the wonderful way that the night-time hours seem to sweep away all our cares.. and melt away all our worries, as we rest in You.

Thank You that we may confidently cast all our cares and concerns upon You and lay all of our burdens down at Your feet – knowing that You love us with a perfect love and  care for us, with Fatherly concern.

Keep us safe this night from any perils and dangers.. and lighten the darkness of these night.. with Your perfect peace, You gracious tranquillity and Your serene grace

Good Night Prayer For Couples

Dear heavenly Father how we thank and praise You that You have watched over us both today and brought us home once again after our busy days, so that we may we unite together in love.. and join together in prayer and praise – and in joyful thanksgiving for all that You have done for us today..

Thank You Father for all Your goodness and grace to us, and for the wonderful way that You have guided us in our various jobs and duties today. Help us to settle down for the night with worries cast onto You, in the knowledge that Your grace is always sufficient for our need.

Thank You Father for this lovely opportunity to abide in Your love as we rest in each others arms and pray that we would enable us both lie down in peace,  to rest in safety and to sleep soundly and securely, knowing that You are our ever present help – our fortress and the rock of our salvation.

And now Lord as we settle down to rest we ask that our sleep would be refreshing and rejuvenating so that we may rise up early in the morning.. ready to do Your bidding. May we grow closer to each other and to You in the days that lie ahead and thank You Lord for bring us together, and enable us to share our lives and our love with each other and with You – this we pray in Jesus name, Amen

Simple Short Powerful Evening Prayers For Family, Adults, Child & Friends

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Your Day Is Nearly Get To An End, It's Time To Take This Chance To Say Thanks To Our Heaven Father For The Good And Protections He Keeps Upon You. Below Are Some Of The Best Prayers You Can Use To Say Thank You God:

1. General Evening Prayer For All:

Heavenly Father, I adore You and thank you for all the graces You have given me this day. I offer You my sleep, my dreams, and all the moments of this night. I pray that you give me rest so that I may wake to Your holy face. I put myself within your sacred care and under the mantle of your Holy Spirit today and always. Please pour out Your blessings upon me, for You are the answer to all things, and You alone. Amen.

2. Evening Prayer For The Family
Heavenly and merciful Father, as we come to the end of the day, I pray that You will spread your protective arms over me and my family. Cover us with your protecting angels and keep us well and safe from all harm and spiritual attacks.

Almighty Father, I count myself blessed for the wonderful family members You’ve bound me with, though I may not always appreciate them. Give us peace and love towards one another. Quell the quarreling tongue. Bring us close to each other.

I pray for my family members who are not Christians, who have not given their lives to Christ. Bless them, oh Lord, with understanding and wisdom. May they come to know you and have a relationship with you. In Jesus all-powerful name I pray, Amen!

3. Evening Prayer For Safety
Lord of Hosts, Gracious Father, and Protector of mankind, I pray to You today for safety and protection. Knowing Your promise to keep us from harm, I believe and trust that my family and myself are safe in Your protective arms.

In Your Word, You advise us that the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. On my own, I am powerless against such evil but through You I am a conqueror.

You promised that whatever we bind on earth, will be bound in heaven. Therefore, I bind all traps that the devil has set on my path. Every harm that he has conjured, I bring down, in the mighty name of Jesus. As for evil intents, I ask You to get them away from my hearing, sight, feeling, thought, touch, and sense.

Almighty God, we give you thanks for surrounding us, as daylight fades, with the brightness of the vesper light; and we implore you of your great mercy that, as you enfold us with the radiance of this light, so you would shine into our hearts the brightness of your Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

4. Evening Prayer For Strength
Father, I am weak right now. There is so much going on in my life physically and emotionally that I am at my breaking point! I need Your strength to make it through these times. Father, I pray that tonight while I sleep You will refresh my mind and strength for tomorrow morning. Lord, I pray that You will watch over me as I sleep and bring pleasant thoughts into my mind as I dream away. Thank You for loving me, Lord! Amen

Daily Short Powerful Inspirational Morning Prayers & Quotes

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 Beautiful Good Morning Prayers And Quotes For You

As You Wake Up Early In The Morning, You Can Choose Any among The Three Prayers Below To Fresh Start Your Day With God:
1. First Morning Prayer
"Lord, may nothing separate me from You today. Teach me how to choose only Your way today so each step will lead me closer to You. Help me walk by the Word and not my feelings. Help me to keep my heart pure and undivided. Protect me from my own careless thoughts, words, and actions. And keep me from being distracted by MY wants, MY desires, MY thoughts on how things should be. Help me to embrace what comes my way as an opportunity... rather than a personal inconvenience. And finally, help me to rest in the truth of Psalm 86:13, 'Great is your love toward me.' You already see the ways I will fall short and mess up. But right now, I consciously tuck Your whisper of absolute love for me into the deepest part of my heart. I recognize Your love for me is not based on my performance. You love me warts and all. That's amazing. But what's most amazing is that the Savior of the world would desire a few minutes with me this morning. Lord, help me to forever remember what a gift it is to sit with You like this. Amen."

2. Second Morning Prayer
You are the glorious morning,
You are refreshment and peace.
You are the sounds as the dawn breaks,
You are the rose that smells sweet.

You are the Lord, my creator,
You are the wonder of life.
You are the great words of wisdom,
I read them and fill up inside.

You are the wonderful sunrise,
You are restorer of hope.
You are the air that we breathe now,
You are the warm winter coat.

You are the Lord, my creator,
You are a love without end.
You are all grace and forgiveness,
I stand loved and free as your friend.

3. Third Morning Prayer
"Dear Lord, I don't know who or what will cross my path today. But I do know that You are my Rock and my Fortress. You are my Shield and my Strong Tower. Help me to anchor myself to You today. Teach me how to stand strong in You and choose only Your way today. Help me walk by Your truth and not my feelings. Help me to embrace anything that comes my way as an opportunity to see You at work and as an opportunity to point others to You. Thank You that You love me and nothing can ever take that away from me! Even if I fail today and fall short, You whisper Your unconditional love deep into my soul and remind me that Your mercies are new every morning. That truly amazes me, Lord. Thank You for meeting with me today. Would You wake me again tomorrow with the same sweet whisper of Your love? I can't wait to meet with You again. In Jesus' Name, Amen."

Just After You Have Done With The Above Prayers, Just Check Out Inspirational Morning Quotes Below And Share With Your Fellow Friends:
1. As you step out today you receive insight and precision in everything that you do in Jesus name.

2. The wisdom of God is made available for you to make the right decisions in all your dealings today.

3. As you start a new day, may you be at the right place at the right time in the right company to find favour in the sight of men and God.

4. Beyond your strength may God crown your efforts with great success in all the things that you do this day and forever.

5. Lines fall for you in pleasant places today, protocols are broken for your sake and you enjoy the ease in all that you do. Your day is blessed!

6. The joy of the Lord shall be your strength as you go through today in Jesus name.

7. You shall not lack or want anything good today. All that you need is made available unto you. I pray for you that by the end of today you shall have testimonies in Jesus name.

8. The dawn of a new day is a sign that there's hope for greater things to come.
May the hope kindled in you be perfected with good things for the rest of the day.

9. As you go through the day, you stay out of trouble and trouble in any form shall not locate you.

10. All of the tasks ahead of you for the day is carried out with ease, supernatural speed and divine perfection in Jesus name.

11. I pray for you and the whole of your family that you go out in peace and return in peace with testimonies of a fruitful day in Jesus name.

12. May good things locate you all through the day as you walk in grace and operate in the supernatural.

13. I wave every signal of evil hovering around you today by the mighty power of Jesus, that you may have every cause to thank God at the end of the day.

14. Today, the Lord shall prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies, and as your head is already announced with oil you make the right decisions in Jesus name.

15. That thing you've been trying to do without result, I decree that before the end of today you shall rejoice in success in the name of Jesus.

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